Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 1$ Challenge

During the evening with Randal Wright, Hope Arising's, John Johnson also issued a challenge with a 1$ - share the dollar with someone else and tell them about Hope Arising and the work we do to help families and children who are orphaned in Dera, Ethiopia beginning with water.

Everyday we wake up and have water to bathe, water to cook, water to quench our thirst with a quick turn of numerous, convenient faucets. But in Dera things are different. Imagine waking at 4am to walk several miles in hopes that your 5 gallon water jug will make it through the line and there will be water. For the ten days we were in Dera- there was not ever water at that faucet. Hope Arising is puchasing pipe for a 20 mile water line from clean, mountain springs to serve 58,000 people in Dera and the surrounding area. Every dollar brings our water pipeline, closer to the people.

Thanks to each of you who attended our event with Randal Wright. From everyone we have talked to, the evening was rewarding and invaluable! It was a treat for me to laugh, relax, think and learn - there can be so much energy generated. Our sincere thanks to Randal for his willingness to come and share the magic of 3 Word Journal. If you were not able to attend you can still get the 3 Word Journal through Hope Arising- contact or call 602-549-0955.

So pass along to your friends the opportunity to really change lives this holiday season with the gift of water through your support of Hope Arising!

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